Kittitas Reclamation District

Limited Public Works & Small Works Roster
For Limited Public Work ($10,001- $50,000) per RCW 39.04.155(3), the KRD is creating a Limited Works Roster to award contracts for materials, equipment, supplies or services within the threshold. This is in lieu of formal bidding process.
By RCW 87.03.436, an irrigation district may create a Small Works Roster to award contracts for construction, building, renovation, remodeling, alteration, repair or improvement of real property. The Small Works Roster may be used for public works projects below three hundred thousand. Small Works Roster Threshold is $50,001-$300,000.
Please use the Contact form on this page to request information about being added to KRD's Limited Public Works or Small Works Rosters!
Publication - Limited Public Works
Kittitas Reclamation District is creating a Vendor List to award contracts for materials, equipment, supplies or services for amounts between $10,001 - $50,000 in lieu of requirements for a formal sealed bid (per RCW 87.03.437 and RCW 39.04.190). The Vendor List will be in effect from June 1, 2021 to November 30, 2021. A vendor may request to be placed on the list at any time during the period specified. The Vendor List shall consist of all responsible vendors who have requested to be on this list, and where required by law are property licensed or registered to provide materials, equipment, supplies or perform such services in Washington State. Submit request to be added to the Vendor List by mail to KRD, PO Box 276, Ellensburg, WA 98926, or email:
Vendors interested in being placed on the Vendor List must submit the following to be eligible:
Contact Information, Point of Contact & valid email address
Materials, Goods, and Equipment Provided
WA State Contractor’s Registration Number
Bonding Company, amount, and bond number